Jeremiah 29:11-29:13 Deut 2:1-3 KJ
In this scripture the Lord was referring to the children of Israel. They had been wondering in the desert for 40 yrs on the way to the promise land.
What God was saying to them was I have something better for you. Aren't you getting tired of the same old thing yet?
Haven't you been walking around this wilderness long enough?
Don't you want to experience the change in scenery that I have in store for you?
Don't you want to experience the promised land that's been waiting for you all this time?
You've circled this mountain long enough turn you northward.
Can you imagine, wondering around in circles, in the desert for 40 years?
As hard as it is to have imagined, that happening, it really did happen.
They never sought the change that was necessary for them to experience all that God had in store for them.
Instead of I am, I can, I will, it was more like I'm not, I cant, I won't.
Sad thing is, there are still people today, just like the children of Israel were.
People who are reluctant to make a change in the course of their lives, to experience all of the blessings God has in store for them. Blessings so close, that they could throw a stone and hit them.
Like a strong pot of coffee brewing they could smell it but not taste it.
The word of the Lord said: you've been in this place long enough.
God said it then, and it still holds true today. It's time to change your circumstances!
You can you know, because Gods word says it's possible.
Its time to set a new course, a new plan of action. It's time to realize that a change is going to do you good!
Do you need a victory today in your;
*personal life
Jesus is ready to deliver whatever you have need , because He has already been victorious over every situation you have encountered, or will ever encounter
He already took care of it, at the cross.
There is nothing that can stand up to what He did when He died on the cross for each and every one of us.
Are you ready to stand up and proclaim, I Am, I Can, I Will?
I Am ready to make the changes necessary in my life that the Lord wants me to make.
So that I can walk in and enjoy the abundant life and good things He has promised me.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 HCSB.
11. For I know the plans I have for you" [this is] the LORD's declaration
"plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
12. You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
13. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
I love what it says, I love talking about Gods plans for all of us.
The accuser may tell you, your not worthy of Gods Goodness and blessings.
But that's not what Gods word has to say about the situation.
Lets go a little bit farther, it says For I know the plans I have for you
Making a plan requires a lot of thought.
Especially when your making it for someone else and their benefit and their welfare.
But Gods word doesn't say plan, it says plans.
That means God has thought long and hard about multiple ways, using multiple streams of blessings, to provide you with a hope and a future!
When God said, He wants you to have the abundant life He has promised, He meant it.
So many aren't willing to make the change in their way of thinking and just accept it at face value.
God said it, and that's more than enough reason to believe it can come to pass, in anyone's life.
Abundant life are Gods words not mans.
Don't be the one to cheat yourself out of what God wants to do in your life.
If you're not living the abundant life God promises, Don't blame it on God!
Get out of Gods way and let Him start giving you all that He has for you!!
I Am, I Can!
TBS. in Phil. 4:13 NKJ
13. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
MSG: Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
People can do and are capable of a lot of things.
God made a marvelous creation, when he created mankind.
After all TBS.(the bible says) we are created in His image!
We can put a man on the moon, we can accept and are willing try new inventions and medicines on another mans report.
But when it comes to the things of God and what He wants to do for us, the word can, suddenly has a T tacked on to the end of it, and becomes can't with a capital C.
Are you tired of being trapped by the word can't?
Jesus never used the word can't, the word wasn't part of His vocabulary.
He was a can do type of guy, and we can be the same because God's word says we can.
We can accomplish because the word of God says we can.
Because when we depend on Jesus and His finished work instead of ourselves, that's when and only when it becomes possible.
These are truths that have the promise of God behind them, truths that the accuser has stolen for long enough from Gods people, truths that need to be reclaimed!
I Am, I Can and I Will!!!
I will be faithful to the calling that God has called me to. Everyone that is a Christian has a job to do.
1st Cor. 12:27-28 NKJ.
27. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
28. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
There is so much to be done for the Kingdom of God and so few willing to get involved.
Isaiah 6:8 NKJ
8. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?
Then I said, Here am I! Send me.
God is looking for men and women today, who will stand up and say, I will
I will do whatever needs to be done to further the cause of Christ.
I will be what Jesus wants me to be. I will go where He wants me to go.
God is looking for someone willing to step out of the box of normalcy.
Someone that's ready for Him to do a new thing in their life.
Are you fed up with your present situation, and the way things have been going in your life?
Change It!
You say yes, but you don't understand what it would take to make the changes in my life that need to be made.
Maybe not, but I know someone who does. I know the master of all possibilities!
God said you've circled the mountain long enough, its time to go on through it.
The Bible is a book of amazing turnarounds. From Genesis to Revelations we see God turning things around for His people.
One of the best scenarios in the Bible is in the book of Ezekiel chapter 37 the Valley of dry bones.
It looked hopeless, impossible, beyond the point of no return.
Ezekiel 37:1-10
We serve a God of endless possibilities. If He can breathe life into dry bones, He can take care of your situation if you ask Him to. Nothing is to hard for Him.
There is no situation that He can not turn around.
What's your need, whatever it is, God has the capabilities to do it with ease.
Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJ
18. Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19. Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.
Can you imagine, a river in the desert?
God can!
You see a lot of people believe God can turn any situation around for anyone.
But they have a problem when its their situation that needs turning around.
This Scripture tells us that God is doing something fresh and new. But the condition and requirement for receiving the new is to let go of the old.
Reminds me of the man at the Pool of Bethesda, the place of blessing.
No doubt, he had seen many people get their healing. I'm sure he had seen many people get their deliverance and get their breakthrough.
And repeatedly the devil taunted him and tormented him and told him, you're never going to get your miracle, its been 38 yrs. Give up already. Why bother even trying.
But one day the water didn't just stir. But the one who could make it stir, stood in front him,
Do you know what Jesus did?
He didn't bring up any of the negative garbage in his life or the lies the devil had spun.
He just ask him one question, do you want to be healed?
At that moment there wasn't enough disease in the world to keep him sick.
The only one who could keep him from his blessing was himself.
And I tell you the same thing here , the only one who can keep you from your blessing is you.
God stands ready to bless you, He wants to bless you, The bible says, He loves to bless His Children it gives Him great pleasure!
Jesus has already done everything that could be done, for us to receive His Fathers blessing.
He's already paid our ransom for our sins with His blood.
He's already provided for our healing with His body and He is willing to give us access to everything He has and has done for us.
The rest is up to us. We are the most blessed people on earth because of it.
That's why God's word says, we can be the head and not the tail!
There is nothing that we will ever come up against in this life that He has not provided for.
He has abundantly provided. He is a God of more than enough, not a God of barely enough.
When you stop and think about it, He could not have made it any easier for us.
The solutions to all of lives problems have always been there waiting, just waiting for us to step into them and use them.
Why wait any longer? Start walking in all that God has given you,
Start enjoying everything that Jesus died for to make possible the abundant life that God has promised you. Soon you'll see God's Goodness and you'll be shouting from the rooftop, I Am able, I Can do all things, I Will be found faithful!
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